The distance between the start point and the destination is 246 miles, and will take approximately 4 hours 41 minutes of driving time.
The distance between Mohawk, NY and Cooperstown, NY is approximately 40 miles.
266 miles
It is around a 300 mile trip by car between Gettysburg, PA and Cooperstown, NY.
It is 768 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 878 miles according to Google Maps.
241 miles
Champlain, NY to Cooperstown, NY is approx. 244 miles.
120 miles
The driving distance from Cooperstown to Tarrytown NY is 179 miles per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 3 hours and 18 minutes.
174 miles taking this route:Take I-90 New York state THRUWAY (toll road) EAST from Rochester to NY-28 to HERKIMER and MOHAWK (and to COOPERSTOWN and ONEONTA) at EXIT 29. TURN LEFT off the exit ramp onto NY-28 SOUTH.Take NY-28 SOUTH to Cooperstown.
about 520 miles
About 195 miles.