The driving distance from Naples FL to Parris Island SC is 509 road miles - about 9.5 hours driving time.
It is 2,425 miles according to Google Maps.
The shortest distance is 305 miles.
It is 1,144 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 550 miles according to Google Maps/
Raleigh to York is 371 miles. Raleigh to Erie is 622 miles.
It takes approximately 15 hours and 21 minutes to drive from Nashus, NH to Parris Island. Parris Island is the basic training location for the United States Marine Corp.
how many miles is it from Raleigh nc to greensboro n.c. \
The one in North Carolina is 88 miles from Raleigh.
New Brunswick, NJ to Raleigh is 459 miles. New Brunswick, Canada to Raleigh is about 1200 miles.
How many road miles for Springfield, MO to Raleigh, NC?
It is about 65 miles to go from Fayetteville NC to Raleigh NC.