The distance from San Diego (SD) to Phoenix, Arizona (PHX) is approximately 355 miles.
The overall distance is about 355 miles. The estimate time it will take is about 5 hours and 17 minutes.
601 air miles from PHX to DEN.
About 1,450 air miles from PHX to DTW.
1,717 air miles.
2000 miles away
1,270 air miles from PHX to MSP.
How many miles between Phx az and Bermuda
The straight-line distance between Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport (PHX) and Reagan National Airport (DCA) is 1,730 miles.
1,869 air miles (JFK to PHX).
The driving distance between San Diego, CA and Phoenix, AZ is approximately 355 miles. The driving time would be approximately 6 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
The air mileage from Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX) in Arizona to San Francisco International Airport (SFO) in California is 650. That equals 1,046 kilometers or 565 nautical miles.