From Missoula to Kalispell Montana it is 120 miles
It is 820.12 miles according to MapQuest.
Air distance from Kalispell, Montana, to Anchorage, Alaska, totals 1,654 miles. That equals 2,661 kilometers or 1,437 nautical miles.
About 646 miles.
about 960 miles
like 800 something
It is 910.51 miles according to MapQuest.
The air distance from Billings, Montana, to Seattle, Washington, is 668 miles. That equals 1,076 kilometers or 581 nautical miles.
Google Maps or really any Maps application is really good for this sort of thing. From what I can tell (I got driving directions on Google Maps), it's 539 miles from Kalispell to Tacoma.
The distance between Kalispell, Montana and the Canadian border varies based on the specific location. However, it is approximately 60-80 miles from Kalispell to the border crossings at Eureka or Roosville.
It is 306 miles according to Google Maps.
The driving distance from Helena, Montana to Seattle, Washington is 590 miles via I-90 W per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 8 hours and 39 minutes.