The address of the Blackville Area Historical Soc is: Po Box 277, Blackville, SC 29817-0277
The phone number of the Blackville Area Historical Soc is: 803-284-2525.
Atlanta, the capital of Georgia, is about 125 miles south of Tennessee. It's about midway between Alabama and South Carolina.
Georgia border states are Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina and North Carolina.
The address of the Sojourner Family Association is: Po Box 66, Blackville, SC 29205-1511
yea. This girl from greenville South Carolina. She moved from Atlanta Georgia to South Carolina her name is Julia burgess.
The address of the Historical Business Ventures Inc is: Po Box 123, Blackville, SC 29817
South Carolina and Georgia share a border, so it is theoretically possible to be in both states at once. Charleston to Atlanta is about 300 miles.
The address of the Agricultural Heritage Center Inc is: Po Box 37, Blackville, SC 29817-0037
Atlanta, Georgia. Columbia, South Carolina.
About 145 miles.
Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, and South Carolina surround Georgia. Also the Atlantic Ocean surrounds Georgia. There are different cities in this state including Atlanta and more