It is 916 miles according to Google Maps.
916 miles
Niagara Falls has eroded 11.4 kilometers (7.1 miles) during the last 12,300 years.
It is 85.2 miles according to Google Maps.
The distance between Buffalo New York and Niagara Falls, New York is about 25 miles. To Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada from Buffalo is about 30 miles. Niagara Falls, New York can be reached by Interstate, then to Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada you cross the Rainbow Bridge.
From Raleigh, NC to Niagara Falls is just over 500 miles.
How many miles is it from New York to Niagara Falls?
None, actually. The international line runs down the Niagara River, which forms the falls.
14 miles (22 kilometres) taking the NIAGARA PARKWAY.
The Niagara Gorge is approximately 11 kilometers (7 miles) long, stretching from Niagara Falls to the Niagara River Whirlpool.
about 400 miles
1405 miles