1,020 miles taking this route:
It is 1,012.18 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 1,011 miles accordong to Google Maps.
It is 1,011 miles according to Google Maps.
The driving distance between Tampa Bay, Florida and St. Louis, Missouri is approximately 1,035 miles. The journey typically takes around 15-17 hours by car, depending on traffic and route taken.
It is 1,261 miles according to Google Maps.
If they drive, which they do not the distance from Tampa,Fl to Dallas,Texas is 1100 miles.The road distance from Tampa,Fl to St. Louis Missouri is 1012 miles.So by road miles Dallas would be the further town.
It is 433.96 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 1.217.52 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 740 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 796 miles according to Google Maps.
About 1255 miles from Kansas City, MO to Tampa, FL - also about 19 hours on mostly interstate. Peace.
1028 miles