How many miles from Williams AZ to Santa Fe NM
The address of the Santa Fe Historical Railway Museuminc is: 600 S Tyler Suite 1406, Amarillo, TX 79101-2353
No clue, but it takes about 1hr and 15min to Albuquerque to Santa Fe
It is 280 miles according to Google Maps. The chosen route avoids Albuquerque by heading Northwest on US 285 at Clines Corners, NM.
395 miles
139 miles
95 miles
About 360 miles.
It is 1,439.83 miles according to MapQuest.
480 miles
500 miles taking this route:Take U.S. 285 SOUTH towards CLINES CORNERS (EXIT 289 off I-25), from Santa Fe, to I-40 EAST to SANTA ROSA, @ Clines Corners.Take I-40 EAST to U.S. 287 SOUTH to FORT WORTH at EXIT 78 in Amarillo, TEXAS.Take U.S. 287 SOUTH to Wichita Falls.
From Tampa, FL to Santa Fe, NM is 1,904 miles; approximately 29 hours driving time.