40 miles
87.9 miles
Salem, MA is only 16 miles from Boston. If you decide to drive depending on when you leave it can take up to an hour with traffic.
The distance between Salem, NH and Quincy, MA is approximately 75 miles by car.
It is 94.7 miles according to Google Maps.
There are 40.526 miles between Salem and Plymouth.
The driving distance from Framingham MA to Salem MA is 41.1 road miles, using I-95 North.
The total distance from Salem, OR to Boston, MA is 2,567 miles as the crow flies. This is equivalent to 4,130 kilometers or 2,230 nautical miles.
145 miles
About 1,440 driving miles.
32 miles taking this route:Take I-93 NORTH, from Milton, to I-95 NORTH to PEABODY off EXIT 37A.Take I-95 NORTH to ROUTE 128 - NORTH to GLOUCESTER off EXIT 45.Take ROUTE 128 - NORTH to ROUTE 114 - EAST to SALEM off EXIT 25A.Take ROUTE 114 - EAST to Salem.
It is 156 miles according to Google Maps.