115.58 miles
Charlottesville Albemarle CHO Airport, Charlottesville, VA (19 miles)Lynchburg Preston Glenn Field LYH Airport, Lynchburg, VA (69.1 miles)Richmond RIC Airport, Richmond, VA (74.9 miles)Washington Dulles IAD Airport, Chantilly, VA (78 miles)
The distance between Charlottesville, VA and Lynchburg, VA is approximately 60 miles.
2 and a half hours
How many miles from Richmond VA is Virginia Beach, VA?
It is 590.86 miles according to MapQuest.
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA - 49.8 square miles.
21-22 miles
The distance from Richmond, VA to Lexington, SC is approximately 410 miles.
It is 59.5 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 16.8 miles according to Google Maps.
According to Google Maps, it is about 112 miles.