How many road miles from Redlands, Califonria o Yuma, Arizona?
491.23 miles
It is 156 miles according to Google Maps.
587 Miles/945 Km - about 10 hours.
The distance between Yuma, Arizona, and San Diego, California, is approximately 160 miles. Driving time can vary but typically takes around 2.5 to 3 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions.
Yuma, Arizona was founded in 1864 and incorporated in 1914. Yuma has a total area of 106.7 square miles and a population of 93,064.
The driving distance from Yuma, Arizona to Disneyland in Anaheim, California is approximately 240 miles, which would take around 4-5 hours by car depending on traffic conditions.
Arizona and California share a border, so it is possible for a car to be in both states at once. Yuma to San Diego is 174 miles; Tucson to Sacramento is 870 miles.
183.12 miles
184.74 miles
The distance between Yuma, Arizona and Needles, California is approximately 200 miles, depending on the specific route taken.
293.22 miles