About 80
Chesterfield, Derbyshire to Bournemouth, Dorset = 216.5 miles
No, Bournemouth is in Dorset.
How can I go from bournemouth to Plymouth and vicervers?
120 miles taking this route:Take M3 to the SOUTH WEST towards SOUTHAMPTON from London to M27 (WEST) to BOURNEMOUTH, in Southampton.Take M27 to the WEST to M31 to the WEST to POOLE and BOURNEMOUTH, at where the Motorway ends.Continue straight on A31 to A35 to DORCHESTER.Take A35 to DORCHESTER.
About 781 air miles to Valencia, Spain from Bournemouth, England.
255 miles
24 miles
about 290 miles
13 miles taking B3072.
24 miles