Portland to Buffalo is about 2650 miles.
It is 2,594 miles according to Google Maps.
Distance:The driving distance between New York, New York and Portland, Oregon is 2,895 mi - about 1 day 19 hours.The direct distance between New York and Portland is 2449 miles (3941 km). Flight:New York, NY (NYC) to Portland, OR (PDX)Flight Duration 6 hours 7 mins
From Albany, New York to Portland, Oregon it's about 2,895 miles. I hope this answer helps
193 miles
The following states have a 'Portland': Arkansas Colorado Connecticut Indiana Iowa Kentucky Maine Michigan Missouri New York North Dakota Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Tennessee Texas Wisconsin (x2)
From New York City, New York to Portland, Maine is about 320 miles.
Flight:Portland, OR (PDX) to New York, NY (NYC)Flight Duration 4 hours 55 minsDistance:The driving distance between Portland, Oregon and New York, New York is 2,895 mi - about 1 day 19 hours.The direct distance between Portland and New York is 2449 miles (3941 km).
The driving distance between Portland OR and NYC is about 2,895 road miles.
Lumber wholesaler in Portland, Oregon
315 miles