about 110 miles
about 300 miles
The distance from New Iberia, Louisiana to Houston, Texas is approximately 125 miles.
It is 238.89 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 242.89 miles according to MapQuest.
824 miles / 1 326 km
265 miles taking I-10 WEST.
It is 143.04 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 165.40 miiles accordiing to MapQuest.
The Texas/Louisiana State Line corresponds to mile marker 881 on I-10 (on texas Side). Going straight west on I-10, you get off the interstate into downtown Houston at exit 768. From Downtown Houston, you need to drive about 50 more miles south on I-45 to arrive at Galveston. 165 miles is a decent estimate.
There is one checkpoint between on HWY 77 near Sarita. Border agents can stop within 100 miles of the border.
how many miles from Medford, OR to Houston, TX