Assuming you are talking about st Catherines in Ringwood, NJ and Welland near Buffalo, the distance between them is 287 miles.
226 miles
185 miles
The area of St. Catherines Island is 90.103 square kilometers.
10-11 miles
From St. Louis taking I-70 to Indianapolis, then I-74, it would be about 345 miles.
By foot, it is about 550 miles to St. Catherine's in Canada from Philadelphia. It is amazing that Harriet Tubman made this journey (and more) many times in order to escort slaves to Canada via the "Underground Railroad."
Mount Carmel-Mitchells Brook-St. Catherines's population is 438.
There are dozens and dozens of saints named Catherine, Katherine or Katharine.
St. Catherines, ON
Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Ottawa,Windsor, and Hamilton are the major cities.
Air distance between St. Catherines, Canada and Rome, Italy is 4,425 miles. That is 7,121 kilometers. It is 3,845 nautical miles.