110 kilometres (68 miles) taking this route:
1252 miles
The air distance -- within Canada -- from Hamilton, Ontario, to Calgary, Alberta, is 1,683 miles. That equals 2,708 kilometers or 1,463 nautical miles.
The distance from Burlington to Hamilton in Canada is approximately 57 kilometers (35 miles) by road.
It is 517 kilometers from Hamilton, Ontario to Ottawa, Ontario.
109.975 kilometers.
driving time from Hamilton, ONtario to the Jersey Shore
Hamilton, Ontario is approximately 236 feet above sea level.
95 km (59 miles) taking this route:Find your way to the PEACE BRIDGE (EXIT 9 off I-190), then cross the PEACE BRIDGE (toll) from Buffalo, New York, U.S.A. into FT ERIE, ONTARIO, CANADA. Once you have crossed, you will be on the QEW (Queen Elizabeth Way) towards HAMILTON and TORONTO.Continue on the QEW to Hamilton.
There are many BMW dealers located in Hamilton, Ontario. Some examples of these BMW dealers in Hamilton include Budd's BMW Hamilton and Beech Motor Works.
189 miles
about 65 miles
143 miles