130 miles
The distance from Hilo to Honolulu International Honolulu is approximately 347 km or 215 miles or 187 nautical miles.
It is 126 miles according to Google Maps.
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA - 105 square miles.
Honolulu is about 100 miles northwest of Hawaii
The distance from San Diego, California to Honolulu, Hawaii is 2611 miles (4201 km).The distance from Los Angeles, California to Honolulu, Hawaii is 2551 miles (4105 km).The distance from San Francisco, California to Honolulu, Hawaii is 2387 miles (3841 km).The distance from Seattle, Washington to Honolulu, Hawaii is 2677 miles (4308 km).
The distance between the above places is 2913 miles. This distance is point to point straight distance. The actual distance may vary according to the flight path chosen. Also this is not the airport to airport precise distance.
Honolulu, Hawaii is 1,465 miles away from the equator.
It is 126 miles according to Google Maps.
The air distance from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Chicago, Illinois, is 4,255 miles. That equals 6,848 kilometers or 3,697 nautical miles.
Honolulu, Hawaii has a population of about 909,863 people with an area spanning about 10.5 miles (16 km).
14 miles