400 miles taking this route:
618 miles
982 miles
About 955 road miles.
The air distance from San Francisco, California, to Eugene, Oregon, is 435 miles. That equals 700 kilometers or 378 nautical miles.
The distance from Eugene, Oregon to Monterey, California is about 626 miles. Driving in car the trip would take about 10 and a half hours.
It is 503 miles according to Google Maps.
According to Google Maps, it is about 528 miles from San Francisco, California to the University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon.
It is 977 miles according to Google Maps.
The distance between Eugene, Oregon, and Redwood National Park in California is approximately 350 miles if you take the most direct route along Interstate 5.
The distance from Eugene, Oregon to The Dalles, Oregon is approximately 150 miles when driving.
Albany, Oregon is 49 miles from Eugene, Oregon.
220 miles taking I-5 SOUTH.