There are 9478.736 miles between Newcastle, England and Australia.
The distance from England to Australia is about 12,000 miles (20,000 K's ).
The total distance from Harrogate, England to Perth, Western Australia, is 9,051 miles, or 14,566 kilometres.
Uh, you can't drive from Australia to England.
There are approximately 10,540 air miles between Canberra and England.
The distance in miles is 9,445 between England and Australia .
The distance between Sydney, Australia and London, England, United Kingdom is 10562 miles (16997 km).
The size of England is 50,346 square miles while the size of Australia is 2.97 million square miles. England therefore fits into Australia 60 times.
a very long tym
There are about 9098.538 miles between Manchester and Perth.
London to Sydney would be 10562 miles (16997 km) (9178 nautical miles). == ==
You won't be able to drive that.