50,244 miles
Asia - 17,212,000 sq miles
The distance between the above two places is nearly 4860 miles. This is approximately equal to 7822 kilometers. These distances are point to point straight distances. The actual distances may vary according to the flight path chosen. China to England*
The air distance from Hong Kong, China, to Liverpool, England, United Kingdom, is 6,019 miles. That equals 9,687 kilometers or 5,230 nautical miles.
This is a difficult one to answer as you've not specified exact places. Asia is the largest continent on the planet, so the distance between any point in England to any point in Asia could vary by thousands of miles. As the crow flies: The two closest points would be from Dover (England) to Istanbul (Turkey), approximately 2,400 Kilometers (1490 miles) Where as Carlisle (England) to Kupang (East Timor) is nealy 13,200 Kilometers (8200 Miles)
i think i am in asia only
48 miles
123 miles
about 102 miles
210 miles
86 miles
Half of Russia is IN Asia. So I'd say 0 miles.