The driving distance from Elizabethton, Tennessee to Brevard, North Carolina is 100 miles.
1449 miles
The driving distance from Brevard, NC, to Winston-Salem, NC, is 176.12 miles.
69 miles
It is 964 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 141 miles according to Google Maps.
139 miles taking this route:Take I-40 EAST from Knoxville to I-26 EAST to HENDERSONVILLE and SPARTANBURG off EXIT 46 A in NORTH CAROLINA.Take I-26 EAST to NC-280 to BREVARD off EXIT 40; TURN RIGHT off the exit ramp onto NC-280 SOUTH to BREVARD.Take NC-280 SOUTH to Brevard.
The address of the Transylvania Heritage Museum is: Po Box 2347, Brevard, NC 28712-2347
how many miles is it from Raleigh nc to greensboro n.c. \
103 miles
14 miles
153 miles
60 miles.