1,221 miles taking this route:
It is 988 miles from Detroit, Michigan, to Panama City Beach, Florida. This is about 15 hours and 5 minutes driving in the car.
1138 miles
It is 1,085.91 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 1,161.48 miles according to MapQuest.
1338 miles taking I-75 SOUTH.
It is 1,172 miles according to Google Maps.
The flight distance from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to Detroit, Michigan is about 1,130 miles.
The driving distance from Detroit, Michigan to Panama City, Florida is about 1,002 miles.
The flying distance from Detroit, Michigan to Miami, Florida is 1,156 miles or 1,861 kilometers. A nonstop flight takes about 3 hours.
It is 1,351 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 1,376.63 miles according to MapQuest.
How long the drive will be from Detroit, Michigan to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, will depend on which roads are taken and the speed. The cities are about 617 miles apart.