The driving distance between Albuquerque, NM and Marina Del Rey, CA is approximately 837 miles with an approximate driving time of 13 hours, 31 minutes.
508 miles
290 miles
25 miles
Straight Line 176.73 miles.
Google earth measures it at 33.5 miles from exiting Marina Del Rey, CA harbor to the closest point of Catalina Island,CA. But it looks like it is another 15 miles SE to Avalon, where it seems the boats arrive on Catalina.
The address of the Lloyd Taber-Marina Del Rey Library is: 4533 Admiralty Way, Marina Del Rey, 90292 5416
The address of the Marina Del Rey Historical Society is: Po Box 9550, Marina Del Rey, CA 90295-1950
Marina Del Ray is quite a well known city in the United States of America. It is a very popular tourist destination, and has many hotel. Marina Del Ray is specifically located in California.
According to (the company that owns Marina Del Ray hotels) and many other hotel websites, there are no Marina Del Ray hotels in the area of Key West, FL.
The shortest distance is 72.3 miles.
Approximately 25 miles / 45 minutes by car.
Puerto Del Rey Marina was created in 1988.