The flight distance from Calgary, Alberta, Canada to London, United Kingdom is 4,385 miles. A nonstop flight takes from 8 hours 45 minutes to 9 hours 25 minutes, depending on the airline you choose.
about 5000 miles kjp
A rough estimate is 4500 miles. I calculated that number based on miles to NYC, then miles to England (according to GoogleMaps), then from the shore to London. It's not precise but gives an idea.
9402.28 miles (15131.51 kilometers)
London to Valletta is 1,620 miles according to RAC route planner
4,372 miles.
5,383 miles Palm Springs International Airport (PSP) to London Heathrow Airport (LHR)
Using the routes expected its LONDON HEATHROW to CALGARY INTL 6921.7 nautical miles
The flight distance from London, United Kingdom to Incheon, South Korea is approximately 5,513 miles / 8,873 km
Manchester, England is about 200 miles from London, England.
London, England and Hereford, England are about 135 miles apart.
Good its 5995 miles or about 13 hours flying I recommend Cathy Pacific or British Airways
how many flying miles from London to sydney