The distance between London, England and Sydney, Australia is 10562 miles
The distance between Sydney, Australia and London, England, United Kingdom is 10562 miles (16997 km).
The distance from London, England to Brisbane, Australia is 10273 miles (16532 km).
The driving distance between London, England and Nottingham, England is 128 mi - about 2 hours 31 mins.
The time difference between Perth, Australia and London, England using GMT is 8 hours. Perth is 8 hours ahead of London.
It takes approximently 2 hours in driving distance 100miles
It takes nearly 9 hours to go from London, England to Aberdeen, England. The distance between London and Aberdeen is approximately 544.9 miles.
20 hours, not including stops.
405 road miles.
9402.28 miles (15131.51 kilometers)
The driving distance between London, England and Novi Sad, Vojvodina is 1,252 road miles.
Yes. There are no nonstop flights from anywhere in Europe to Australia or New Zealand.