How long is the flight from san Antonio Texas to Cancun Mexico
705 miles
There were several presidents between 1821 and 1836 when Texas split. The most renowned would be Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna.
It is 721 miles according to Google Maps.
San antonio, Texas
It seem to be 498 miles from san antonio, Texas to Tampico, Mexico. So figure about as much time to get from San Antonio to Reynosa or Matamoros Mexico as to get from Matamoros or Reynosa to Tampico, Mexico.
The driving distance between Van Horn, Texas and San Antonio, Texas is 311 milles.
The distance between San Antonio and Temple Texas is a bout 146 miles.
There are about 1260 miles between Madison, Wisconsin and San Antonio, Texas.
The Rio Grande acts as a natural border between Texas and Mexico.
The is no state between Texas and Mexico because they share a border, but they both share a border with New Mexico None. Texas borders Mexico.