Concidering the most northern point in Canada is 83°N and the most southern point is 42°N, a differance of 41° and each degree of latitude is approx. 111 kilometers 41 X 111 = 4551 K approx
938 miles canada is 838 miles from greenville and North Augusta is 100 miles from Greenville
Minnesota is approximately 400 miles long from north to south, stretching from the border with Canada to the southern border with Iowa.
The two states located between Nebraska and Canada are South Dakota and North Dakota.
Canada is north of Nicaragua. Nicaragua is located in Central America, while Canada is situated in North America.
Canada is 1200 miles north of Arizona.
Watertown is located approximately 70 miles north of Syracuse and 30 miles south of Canada. If you take I-81 S, it is 69.8 miles
About 14,000 miles.
North-Canada South-Mexico
North Dakota
North Dakota
It is right between both of them: the US is south of Canada, but north of Mexico.
North Canada, South Mexico.