It is 140.31 miles according to MapQuest.
How many driving miles between Fort Lauderdale and Houston?
Using Google Maps one is able to calculate the distance as well as the driving travel time. The distance between Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Fort Myers, Florida is 138 miles. The travel time is 2 hours and 21 minutes.
The distance from Fort Lauderdale to Naples is, 5284 miles or 4592 nautical miles. (Time and
Fort Myers, FL is the most convenient halfway point between those two destinations. It's around 2 hours and 15 minutes to travel to Fort Meyers from Fort Lauderdale.
15 hours
It is 140.31 miles.
1321 miles
The driving distance from Fort Lauderdale FL to the Virginia state line is about 840 road miles.
The distance between Evans, Georgia and Fort Lauderdale, Florida is approximately 600 miles.
It is a 126 miles from Tampa to Fort Meyers.
Both Jacksonville and Fort Lauderdale are cities within the state of Florida. There is a distance of 322.3 miles between these locations.