The driving distance between Raleigh, North Carolina and Orlando, Florida is approximately 650 miles.
There is approximately 1,301 miles between Boston, Massachusetts and Orlando, Florida. The halfway point is located in Rocky Mount, North Carolina.
Florence, South Carolina is halfway between Laurel Delaware and Orlando Florida
The driving distance between Georgia and Orlando Florida is about 934 miles.
The driving distance between Kissimmee, Florida and Orlando is about 18 miles
The flight distance from Florida (FL) to Orlando, Florida is: 53 miles / 85 km
between orlando
There is approximately 106 miles between Orlando, Florida and Clear water, Florida. The halfway point between these two cities is Lakeland, Florida.
Distance:The direct distance between Jacksonville, Florida and Orlando, Florida is 127 miles (205 km). The driving distance between Jacksonville and Orlando is 140 mi - about 2 hours 15 mins
It is an estimated 22.9 miles between Kissimmee, Florida and Orlando, Florida. The drive between these locations takes about 29 minutes.
MapQuest estimates the driving time as 8 hours and 11 minutes