225 miles
The driving distance from Memphis TN to Clarksdale MS is 75 miles via US-61 S per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 1 hour and 29 minutes.
The shortest distance is 742 miles.
The shortest route between Biloxi and Vicksburg is about 215 miles, mostly taking the US-49 N.
361 miles
30 miles
73 miles apart
Clinton MS (pop 25,000) is about 30 miles east of Vicksburg MS and 10 miles west of Jackson, MS.
It is 390 miles according to Google Maps.
433 miles taking this route:Take U.S. 59 NORTH from Houston to I-20, near Marshall. At JCT I-20, follow signs to I-20 EAST to SHREVEPORT.Take I-20 EAST to Vicksburg via I-220 EAST (EXIT 11 off I-20 in LOUISIANA) to bypass SHREVEPORT.
433 miles taking this route:Take U.S. 59 NORTH from Houston to I-20, near Marshall. At JCT I-20, follow signs to I-20 EAST to SHREVEPORT.Take I-20 EAST to Vicksburg via I-220 EAST (EXIT 11 off I-20 in LOUISIANA) to bypass SHREVEPORT.
The driving distance from Branson MO to Vicksburg Mississippi is 389 miles per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 7 hour and 5 minutes.