135 miles
The shortest distance is 187.7 miles.
160 miles
Kent and Shropshire are both Counties and as such cover a huge area, the distance between the two large towns of Maidstone, Kent and Telford, Shropshire is 196.9 miles.
According to the AA route planner it is 9.5 miles by road.
It rather depends on where in Shropshire, which is a big place. Liverpool to Shrewsbury via the A41 is about 65 miles,
About 167 miles on M6 and M1
Shrewsbury, Shropshire to Tenby, Pembrokeshire = 145 miles.
The driving distance is approximately 147 road miles - about 3 hours of driving time, depending on your average speed and what route(s) you take.
40 miles taking this route:Take M61 PRESTON, from Bolton, to M6 towards PRESTON and LANCASTER.Take M6 to Lancaster.
According to the AA route planner it is 14.7 miles by road.