It is 996 miles between Saint Paul, MN and Salt Lake City, UT
Saint Paul is the capital city in Minnesota.
613 miles.
St. Paul, MN But at that point, St. Paul is on the *north* side of the Mississippi River, which is flowing to the east after being joined by the Minnesota River. A few miles to the NW is Minneapolis, and the metropolitan area is often referred to as the Twin Cities. Saint Paul is the capital city in Minnesota. The city is on the east bank of the Mississippi River.
Saint Paul is the capital city in the U.S. state of Minnesota.
No. St. Paul, Minnesota is in the middle of the United States over 1000 miles from either the Atlantic or Pacific coast. It is about 150 miles south of Duluth which is on the shores of Lake Superior.
Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Saint Paul is the capital city in the U.S. state of Minnesota.
Saint Paul, Minnesota
Saint Paul is the capital city of Minnesota.
Saint Paul is the capital city of Minnesota.
Saint Paul is the capital city of Minnesota.