From New York, NY to Nottingham, England is 3,398 miles, as the crow flies. In other words, that's the amount of miles straight across from point a to point b. It does not take into account any sort of obstacle that might be presented to a land traveler, nor does it account for the paths that airplanes must travel.
there are 65 miles from Nottingham to leeds
The distance between New York, US and London, England is 3470 miles (5585 km)
90 miles taking this route:Take M1 NORTH from Nottingham to A64 to LEEDS and YORK at JUNCTION 44, just as the M1 merges into the A1(M) near Leeds.Follow A64 (EAST) to York.
The Atlantic Ocean is approximately 3,000 miles wide between New York and England.
3300 miles
3,471 miles (5585 KM's)
New England's a large place. Estimates could vary by hundreds of miles. NYC to Boston is 212 miles.
The driving distance is approximately 86 road miles - about 1 hour 45 minutes of driving time, depending on your average speed and what route(s) you take.
The distance in miles between London in England and Syracuse in New York is 3,445 miles. This equates to a 10 and a half hour flight.
The distance from York, England, to Liverpool, England, is 87 miles. That equals 140 kilometers or 76 nautical miles.
110 miles
London to York By road it's 212 miles.