4 hours
240 miles
Albert Lea, MN - Sioux Falls, SD- 175 mi
198 air miles.
Minneapolis-St. Paul Fargo Sioux Falls
The halfway point between Sioux Falls, South Dakota and Statesville, North Carolina is O'Fallon, Illinois.
There are about 157.039 miles between Sioux Falls and Faulkton.
420 miles taking this route:Take I-90 EAST, from Sioux Falls, to I-35 NORTH to MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL at EXIT 159B in MINNESOTA.Take I-35 NORTH to DULUTH, via I-35E towards ST. PAUL, passing through the Twin Cities.
I-90 East to Worthington. 60 East to Mankato.169 North to 65.
347 miles
The distance between the start point and the destination is 270 miles, and will take approximately 4 hours of driving time.
Yes. Different areas of Sioux Falls have a Dutch population of between 4% and 8%.