The driving distance between Chicago to Seattle is 2067 miles per Map Quest. The driving time to Seattle per Map Quest is 28 hours and 54 minutes.
About 2000 miles
2,063.8 mi
1737 miles or 2796 km
*How many miles is it from Seattle, Washington to Chicago, Illinios?The drive from Chicago, Illinois to Seattle, Washington is 2,063 mi. (which would take you 1 day, and about 6 hours)The direct distance between Chicago and Seattle is 1737 mi.
The driving distance from Chicago to Seattle is 2067 miles per Map Quest. The driving time to Seattle per Map Quest is 28 hours and 52 minutes.
2070 miles
how many miles between seattle to yakia
There are 216 miles between Kennewick and Seattle.
180 miles between Seattle, Wash. and Portland, Oregon.
The flight distance from Seattle, Washington to Chicago O'Hare International Airport is 1,722 miles.
How many miles between chicago and dubai
The distance between Seattle and Wenatchee is approximately 150 miles by road.