Basildon to Bradford is 227 miles
Basildon to Doncaster is 194 miles
Doncaster to Bradford is 41 miles
So Basildon to Doncaster via Bradford is 269 miles
115 miles following A1.
Doncaster/Luton is 117 miles
The distance between Birmingham and Bradford is approximately 118 miles (190 kilometers) by road.
140 miles taking this route:Take M6 LONDON (via M1), from Birmingham, to M1(S) LONDON.Take M1 to M25 DARTFORD at J6A.Take M25 (London Orbital), around LONDON, to A127 (EAST) BASILDON at J29.Take A127 to BASILDON.
170 miles or 272km
No. Basildon is a town in the county of Essex and is about 30 miles northeast of London.
About 100 miles.
Distance between Bradford and York is 29 miles or 46.66 Kilometers
doncaster to holyhead 168.5miles
33 miles taking this route:Go across to A1 to The SOUTH via either M62 (E) HULL or A63.Take A1 to The SOUTH to Doncaster.
About 100 miles on the roads via Doncaster.
The distance between the Bradford and London UK is about 220.38 kilometers.