The air distance from Atlanta, Georgia, to Hong Kong, China, is 8,387 miles. That equals 13,496 kilometers or 7,287 nautical miles.
The distance between the two cities' major airports is about 8,415 air miles.
The distance between the above places is 7705 miles. This distance is point to point straight distance. The actual distance may vary according to the flight path chosen. Also this is not the airport to airport precise distance.
* Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (Atlanta, Georgia) * Hong Kong Internatinal Airport
The distance between Hong Kong and Tokyo, Japan is 1795.4 miles.
about 1 and a half to two weeks depending on what you ordered.
The distance between Thailand and Hong Kong is 966 miles. A nonstop flight between the two would take about 3 hours.
hong kong is 1224.9 miles away from Beijinghong kong is 1224.9 miles away from BeijingThe total distance from Beijing, China to Hong Kong is 1,225 miles.
The distance between Hong Kong and Macau is around 61 kilometres (38 miles).The distance from Macao to Hong Kong is around 61 kilometres (38 miles).There are about 38.696 miles between Hong Kong and Macao.
The flight distance between Vancouver and Hong Kong is 6,386 miles / 10,278 km
It is 4,729.02 miles (7,610.63 km) between Hong Kong and Lebanon.
1,893 miles