It is 266.40 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 266.40 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 266.40 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 266.40 miles according to MapQuest.
1,462 miles.
1860 miles
The distance between Albuquerque NM and Phoenix AZ is about 418 road miles.
325 miles taking this route:Take I-25 SOUTH (towards ALBUQUERQUE), from Santa Fe, to I-10 EAST to EL PASO at END I-25 in Las Cruces.Take I-10 EAST to El Paso.
1681 miles
It is 1,885 miles.
551 miles taking this route:Take I-40 WEST from Amarillo to I-25 SOUTH to LAS CRUCES off EXIT 159B in ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO.Take I-25 SOUTH to I-10 EAST to EL PASO at END I-25 in Las Cruces.Take I-10 EAST to El Paso.
There are about 740 miles between El Paso, TX and Houston, TX.