Driving distance from Columbus, GA to Albany, GA 87 Miles / 139 Km. How many hours? 1 hour 41 mins
144.8 miles
220 miles
526 miles
how many miles from Columbus,GA to Birmingham, AL
It is 317.28 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 167 miles via the fastest route accoording to Google Maps.
It is 95 miles according to Google Maps.
Well, honey, the distance between Americus, Georgia, and Albany, Georgia, is about 33 miles as the crow flies. If you're driving, it'll take you roughly 45 minutes to an hour, depending on traffic and how heavy your foot is on the gas pedal. Just make sure you don't get lost or you might end up in Macon instead!
509 miles
It is 115 miles according to Google Maps.
The halfway point between Lewistown, PA and Albany, NY is Youngmann Memorial Hwy, Buffalo, NY 14228.