It is 105 miles according to Google Maps.
The address of the Friends Of Historic Kerhonkson is: Po Box 421, Kerhonkson, NY 12446-0421
The driving distance is 75 miles. Since there is sometimes more than one route, including back roads, this is an approximate but accurate distance. It is based on the most well-known routes between these two locations.
Marion, NY to Rochester, NY is approximately 26 miles by car.
36 miles
26 miles
15 miles
about 308 miles
about 3 miles
The distance between Vestal, NY and Rome, NY is approximately 110 miles.
138 miles taking this route:Take NY-199 WEST, from Red Hook, to I-87 THRUWAY; follow signs to I-87 SOUTH.Take I-87 SOUTH to I-84 at EXIT 17; follow signs to I-84 WEST.Take I-84 WEST to NY-17 WEST to BINGHAMTON at EXIT 4W.Take NY-17 WEST to Hancock.
200 miles