12 k's from Canberra city to the airport.
155 miles
264.56 km by road.
From Perth to Canberra is a distance of 3723 kilometres by road. By air, it is 3106 kilometres.
The driving distance between Canberra and Uluru is 1,629 miles (2,621 kilometres).
How many kms from Fadden to Deakin
the distance between toowoomba to Canberra around 1300 km
Canberra covers an area of approximately 814.2 square kilometers.
10 842 kilometres.
It is 12 kilometres from Queanbeyan to Canberra, and it takes about 14 minutes in normal traffic.
3718 km
From Canberra to Bendigo is a distance of about 650 km, travelling via the Midland Highway from bendigo. The trip takes between 7 and 8 hours.