24 hrs
The driving distance from Minneapolis, MN to SLC, UT is 1,307 miles and takes approximately 20 hours and 23 minutes to drive.
4-5 hours depending on traffic.
It is 621.16 miles and requires an estimated 10 hours and 24 minutes according to Mapquest.
It is 570 miles from Great Falls, MT to SLC, UT and takes approximately 8 hours 54 minutes to drive.
9 hours 45 mins roughly
The distance between Salt Lake City and San Francisco, CA is 732 miles and will take about 10 Hours 28 Minutes to drive.
It will take you about 16-18 hours if you go through SLC. If you cut through Nevada, it may take you 15-17.
It took me 13 hours to finish that drive. From Sac to Lake Tahoe is fun, but from there to SLC is one of the toughest drives I have ever survived!!!
The abbreviation for Salt Lake City is SLC.
SLC or School Leaving Certificate can be viewed in SLC RESULTS Nepal
Great circle (shortest direct), SLC Intl to Spokane Intl = 547 miles