4 hours
The address of the Lansing Historical Society Inc is: Po Box 1776, Lansing, IL 60438
Arrowhead Stadium, home of the Kansas City Chiefs, is located at One Arrowhead Drive, Kansas City, Missouri, Jackson County
The address of the Michigan Museum Of Surveying is: 220 South Museum Drive, Lansing, MI 48933-1905
4 hours and 5 minutes
It is about an 8 hour drive going through Illinois and Indiana.
There is approximately 169 mies between Kansas City, Kansas and Springfield, Missouri. The drive would take about 3 hours to complete.
It is 1,002.45 miles according to MapQuest.
The shortest time is 3 hours and 54 minutes.
Michigan Central records division 7150 Harris Drive Lansing, MI.48913 Or www.michigan.gov
If it is Kansas City, Missouri, then from about 12 and a half to 15 and a half hours.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 31 hours.