Oh, isn't that a lovely question! A 100GB hard drive can hold approximately 20 hours of high-definition video. Just imagine all the beautiful memories and creative projects you can store on there. It's like a little canvas waiting to be filled with your imagination.
The amount of video that can be stored on a 100GB hard drive depends on the video quality and format. As a general estimate, a 100GB hard drive can store approximately 20 hours of HD video at 5 Mbps bitrate. However, if the video quality is lower or higher, the amount of video that can be stored will vary accordingly. It's important to consider the specific bitrate and resolution of the videos to determine the exact storage capacity.
30 hours or video...
USB Drive, PlayStation Store are a couple of methods
The amount of space needed to store video files will depend upon the amount of compression applied to the file. In general one terabyte will store around one thousand hours of compressed commercial movie quality video.
It depends on the size of the video. Most videos range from 400MB-700MB.
There really is not much you can do. You can try to sell it online or sell it to a video game store.
If you store high quality movie then it takes about 2GB to store an hour long video, So you can save as much as 16hour of video to your 32 gb flash drive.In case the video quality is lower than you can store double i.e. 32 hours or even more video recording.
A flash drive is solid state drive that is intended to store data. A flash player is a software program that plays videos in a flash video format.
There is no such thing as a 34GB drive, I think you mean 32GB. If this is the case, It completly depends on the quality of the video. A DVD quality film is usually around 1GB and the HD films are around 4GB, so if we average films out to be about 2 hours, you should be able to hold around 65 hours of DVD quallity video.
an RCA splitter can be purchased at your local TV store or music store. If you want to drive several TV's with one signal, you will need a video distribution amplifier, available at electronic stores and sites like Monoprice.