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About 2k songs.

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Q: How many hours of audio can an 8 GB flash drive hold?
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How many movies a 64gb flash drive can hold?

How many movies a 64 gb flash drive can store depends on the length of the movies. If eacah movie is about 2 hours, then the flash drive can hold up to 21 movies.

When should you use CD or Flash drive?

A CD is useful if you are going to play music in an older stereo or car. Most will have a CD player. Some newer CD players will play CD's with MP3 compressed audio, extending the play time by as much as 90%. A flash drive is useful if you want to hold more music (most flash drives hold much more than 1 Gigabyte (1024MB) of info, CD's top out at 800MB. Flash drives can also hold any type of compressed audio or higher-than-CD quality audio (higher than 16 bit, 44.1kHz). Flash drives also have no moving parts, and are not as susceptible to extreme temperatures, scratching or moisture.

How much can a Flash Stick or USB Hold...?

A flash drive can hold anywhere from 256 MB to 8 GB.

Can you back up music on a flash drive?

Yes, as long as the flash drive is big enough to hold the file(s).

what does the phrase mp3 player flash drive mean?

A mp3 player flash drive is used to store the data for an mp3. The bigger the flash drive, the more songs one is able to hold (

How many minutes of audio will a Sony MZ M200 hold?

It can hold up to 34 hours of audio on one HiMD Disk.

Do flash drives hold data ever if you have deleted it?

Some flash drives have programs added to help you with you use your flash drive properly, but no, If the flash drive has no files on it, It's empty.

Why you would use flash memory in your ipod instead of a hard drive?

Both the iPod nano and the shuffle use flash memory instead of a hard drive to store songs and, in the case of the nano, photos and videos as well.

How many gigabytes can a 32 MB Flash Drive hold?

It can hold about 1GB to 8GB.

Who much does 4gb flash drive hold?

About 4 gb

How many cds can a 4gb flash drive hold?

About 3

How many song files can a 32GB flash drive hold?

Around 8,000 average length songs will fit on a 32GB flash drive.