How far is florence South Carolina from bayshore, ny
about 11 and 1/2 hours
9 hours to get there and come back
NC to NY takes an average of 9 hours by car.It takes about 3 hours by plane.
It is 830 miles according to Google Maps.
No, South Carolina is in the Eastern Time Zone, just like New York. Both states are in the same time zone, so there is no time difference between them.
11-12 hours
The distance between the starting point and the destination is 888mi, ( 1,429km), and will take approximately 14 hours 20 minutes of driving time.
11 hours from Charlotte, NC to Beacon, NY 9.5 hours from Raleigh, NC to Beacon, NY
Mt Jackson, VA
In NY it is 7.10 wor
21 hours of driving