303 miles
530 kilometres according to Google Earth
How many hours to fly from ottawa to greece?
The driving distance is about 330 miles.
Usually Toronto, Guelph, and Ottawa
525 km (326 miles) taking this route:Connect to HWY 401 - WEST towards TORONTO via HWY 416 - SOUTH from Ottawa; once you are on HWY 401, take HWY 401 - WEST to HWY 6 - NORTH to GUELPH at EXIT 295, past Toronto.Take HWY 6 - NORTH to Guelph.
almost 18 hours
It is about 3 hours by bus to North Bay from Ottawa. There is onestop on the way.
About 300 kilometers or 180 miles (about 3½ hours by car)
around 14 hours
13 hours ahead