The flight time from Washington DC to Orlando is 23 minutes.
Distance:The drive from Orlando, Florida to Washington, DC is 845 mi - about 12 hours 53 mins.The direct distance between Orlando and Washington is 759 miles (1222 km).Flight:Orlando, FL (ORL) to Washington, DC (WAS)Flight Duration 2 hours 1 mins
852 miles
The total distance is 848 miles. The journey would take about 12 hours and 20 minutes.
It is 852.11 miles according to MapQuest.
How many hours will it take to get from Arizona to Washington DC?
10.5 hours
24 Hours
It is 852.11 miles according to MapQuest.
MapQuest estimates the driving time as 13 hours and 17 minutes.
Amsterdam is 9 hours ahead of the state of Washington, and 6 hours ahead of Washington DC.
12 hours