The driving distance from Tampa, Florida to Charleston, South Carolina is 436 miles. (about 7.5 hours of driving)
The driving distance from Tampa, Florida to Parris Island, South Carolina is 375 miles.
5hours 30 minutes
It is 485.89 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 501 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 566 miles according to Google Maps.
If you are talking about Charleston, SC, the route that you would take to I-95 is US-17 SOUTH to I-95 SOUTH. If you are talking about Charleston, WV, the route to I-95 is to take I-77 SOUTH through West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina to where I-77 ENDS at I-26 in Columbia, SC. At I-26 take I-26 EAST TO I-95 to CHARLESTON. Then take I-26 EAST to I-95 SOUTH to SAVANNAH at EXIT 169A.From I-95 SOUTH:Take I-95 SOUTH though South Carolina and Georgia to I-295 SOUTH at EXIT 362B in Florida.Take I-295 around Jacksonville, FL to I-10 WEST to LAKE CITY at EXIT 21B.Take I-10 WEST to I-75 SOUTH to TAMPA at EXIT 296A near Lake City.Take I-75 SOUTH to I-275 SOUTH to TAMPA and ST. PETERSBURG at EXIT 274.Take I-275 SOUTH to Tampa.
In order to get to Maryland from Tampa Florida, you have to cross Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia. According to MapQuest, Tampa is approximately 933.76 miles from Maryland. The estimated time to make this trip is 14 hours and 53 minutes.
The midpoint between Cleveland Ohio and Tampa Florida is Charlotte North Carolina. Charlotte is approximately 515 miles from both Cleveland Ohio and Tampa Florida.
from the center of South Carolina .....Columbia area or greenville.....Jacksonville fl would be roughly half way.....Type your answer here...
University of South Florida and University of Tampa