according to google maps it's 96.6 miles - about 2 hours 6 mins
Myrtle Beach, SC to Charleston, SC is 99 miles; driving time is approximately 2 hours.
Charleston is 95.6 miles far from Myrtle Beach. The journey by car between these two places would take approximately 2 hours and 2 minutes.
The driving distance is 98.7 miles per Map Quest. The driving time from Myrtle Beach to Charleston per Map Quest is 2 hours and 7 minutes.
The driving time is about 2.5 hours.
It is 98 miles and would take a little over 2 hours to drive.
Non-stop, it is about 12-14 hours 17 hours 12 minutes is the period of time it takes to drive from Montreal to Myrtle Beach.
There are 5 airports that are within 4 hours driving distance to Myrtle Beach, SC. The airports are located in Charlotte, Columbia, Florence, Wilmington, and Charleston.
The drive from Charleston, SC to Myrtle Beach, SC is approximately 95 miles and takes around 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on traffic and driving conditions.
it takes about 6 to 8 hours by car to get to myrtle beach.
10.5 hours. drive it every summer.
Almost 6 hours.